What We Do Not Inspect

Perhaps this goes without stating it, but the following are what we do not inspect:


We do not inspect washing machines, dryers or dishwashers.

We do not inspect the National Broadband Network.  We do not inspect data cables or their connections.

We do not inspect heaters other than that they turn on and off. We are not specialists in these appliances. If you need to know this you will have to employ a specialist. The same goes for air conditioning.

We will look to see if chimneys are structurally sound enough. We will not give an opinion as to if they draw well or not. The same for flues.

We will not inspect furnaces.

We will not inspect reticulation in any way.

We will not inspect solar heating and this includes the mounting, electrical, panels or any parts there of.

We will not inspect pumps, be they pool-pumps, or pumps for farms.

We will not inspect water storage devices except a general overall inspection to determine if there is an observable problem or not. We do not inspect septic tanks. If you need a full plumbing inspection, please arrange one.

We do not inspect electrical work other than seeing if such goes on and off. We do not inspect wiring other than what we see with the naked eye. If you need a full electrical inspection, please arrange one.

We do not inspect pipes or what is in them under the ground. If we happen to spot something that is obviously wrong, we will note it. But for real pressure tests and the like, a plumber needs to be consulted.

We do not inspect fire-fighting equipment or fire-fighting services. This is a specialist job.

We do not inspect elevators of people carriers.

We do not inspect footings. Our inspections are nonintrusive.

Pretty much we inspect the building that can be seen.

We do not what gets added to it or put on later.

We do not inspect asbestos. Our note that asbestos may be present is there to purely to give the client a heads up warning that the material may be present and that the client may need to consult a specialist.